Top ranked in The Legal 500 2024

We are proud to announce that we are ranked among Norway’s leading law firms in the field of fisheries and farming in the recent legal ranking of the renowned Legal500. The recognition means a lot to us, and it is a confirmation of our extensive experience and ability to understand the industry’s needs. With offices strategically located along the coast, we have developed a deep and genuine understanding of the seafood industry. For many years, we have been a trusted strategic partner for leading parties in the industry.

There are many law firms that offer services within a wide range of business legal matters. Our strength is that we have a team of specialised lawyers who work with a focus on the industry.
Regulatory: Our regulatory team consists of some of Norway’s leading experts in the field. The seafood industry is subject to extensive and complicated public regulations, and the companies are dependent on a constructive and targeted dialogue with the authorities to win in their cases. We know the authorities’ legal scope and assist with strategic advice before processes are initiated and in the ongoing dialogue. We give advice on how best to handle the situation when they are not successful, and have extensive experience in handling sanctions and other negative interventions from the authorities.
M&A: Our M&A team works closely with our regulatory experts to be able to offer comprehensive advice in connection with transactions in the seafood industry. We assist with consultancy and project management throughout the transaction process, as well as reorganisation and consolidation of business in light of new regulations and framework conditions. We have extensive experience with restructuring, generational change, buying and selling, and managing permits in the fishing and farming industry.

Construction law: Our construction law lawyers have extensive experience in assisting in all phases of construction projects in the seafood industry. This includes both the purchase, construction, equipment or repair/service of industrial buildings, vessels, marine structures and other facilities. We are continuously involved as advisers in project implementation and regularly assist in negotiations and dispute resolution.
Industrial understanding: Our lawyers have been strategic partners for leading seafood actors for a number of years. We provide ongoing legal and strategic advice related to the operational business. This includes, among other things, assistance in ongoing operational issues, conclusion and follow-up of commercial contracts, organisation and handling of disputes.

Thank you so much for your trust and support. We look forward to continuing to deliver first class services to the seafood industry!


Companies with operations linked to the sea and the ocean have in common that they need advice in a number of legal fields. Many law firms can offer this. SANDS can also offer something more. With offices in six of the largest coastal cities, we know the industries from the inside. We know both the challenges and issues that the marine industry faces, and what room for action exists within the regulations.

Contact one of our specialists within your industry for a conversation about how we can assist you.