Business and human rights

SANDS offers a full range of services within the field of Business and Human Rights, an increasingly important area for all our clients, and one that it is becoming more and more relevant for the legal and compliance functions in larger organisations.

Our business and human rights practice is founded on the various global standards for Responsible Business Conduct and Sustainable Business. We have a unique expertise on the various soft law instruments in this area, in particular UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGP) and OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises, and we advise clients in connection with the complaint procedure under the latter. We assist clients with implementing relevant standards and handling the human rights impact of their business, as well as risk management and advice on specific issues related to potential human rights implications. We cooperate with local resources and other relevant experts.

Human rights due diligence

We assist clients with all aspects of a human rights due diligence in accordance with the UN Guiding Principles, including policy making and developing internal guidelines, strategy for embedding the principles in the organisation, planning and conducting a human rights due diligence of the value chain and developing appropriate remedies.


We regularly lecture on topics of responsible business conduct, business and human rights, human rights due diligence, responsible investments etc., and can tailor-make a presentation of relevant topics for a client.


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